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  Mission: 1 | The Extraction ©2000 BlueInc. All Rights Reserved.  

.: Navigation Bar :.






.: BattleZone II :.
Hold CTRL and ~ to bring the console down and then type the following.
bzbody | Unlimited shields.
bzfree | Unlimited pilots and resources.
bzradar | Full map.
bztnt | Unlimited ammo.
bzview | Cosmat Link without have to power or build.

.: Half-Life :.
Start Half-Life using "hl.exe -dev". Do this by changing the Shortcut properties for Half-Life and add "-dev" at the end of the command line. If should read something like this after: C:\Sierra\Half-Life\hl.exe -dev. To use these codes press the "~" hey while playing and then type:
/god | Invincible (God mode).
/god o | Disables invincibility.
/noclip | Walk through walls and virtual flight.

.: Half-Life: Opposing Force :.
Start Half-Life using "hl.exe -dev -console -game gearbox". Do this by modifying the Windows shortcut properties for Opposing Force and adding "-dev -console -game gearbox" to the end of the command line. Once in the console, enter the following
/GOD | Invincibility (God mode).
/NOCLIP | Walk through walls/fly.
/MAP xxx | Go to map xxx.
/GIVE xxx | give item xxx.
IMPULSE 101 | All weapons and maximum ammo.

.: Le Mans 24 Hours :.
All of the following cheats should be entered as the Drivers Name. If done properly, the screen will flash repeatedly and appear to be shattered. Some of these cheats will take you to pre-race screens so don't worry.
ALLTHECARSNOW | All cars in Arcade mode.
ALLTRACKSPLEASE | All tracks in Arcade mode.
TOYOTA1999 | Race for the Toyota Team.
DEBORALM | Secret Debora Racing Team.
DEBORACING | Race for the Debora Team in LM.
1999AUDI | Secret Audi prototype.

19BMW99 | Secret BMW prototype.
MAKEITPEASY | Race over 1 lap in LM, other cars handicapped.
LEMANSOFFERS | Pick from any GT1, GT2 etc. in LM.
1999CHEATCARS | All secret prototype GT1 and GT2 cars.

.: Rolling Stage 2 :.
Go to the "Bonus Awards" menu and enter any of the following cheat codes. You will hear a sound if you've done it properly.
metropolis | All cars.
mynameisneo | All campaigns.
mynameismrsmith | All campaigns minus 1.
inversion | Mirrored mode.
warpspeedmrsulu | All tracks.

.: My Friends :.

Jonathan :.  

Addie :.  

Lorie and friends :.  

Mary-Grace :.  

.: Gaming Selection :.

PlayStation :.  
o | PC :.  
Page | 1 . 2 . 3     
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