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Welcome to Mission: 1. Thanx for visiting Owen Nguyen's web-site and hope you like it. Also... you want maximum style, maximise your browser! My web-site will be updated regularly so you'll always get the best stuff from Mission: 1. Some of my friends also have their very own web-sites so check out their ones aswell. Links to my friend's web-sites are on the right. That's all I need to say really so...

You think this is it? Pfft... get outta here. There's more arse-kicking stuff coming. You have to wait though.

Feel free to sign my guestbook or chat to me if you've got ICQ or just send an e-mail. Nothing dumb alright... Details below.

Nick | Boris Grishenko
ICQ no. | 52116476
E-mail | [email protected]
The guestbook | Go to "the room".

Once again... thanx for visiting Owen's web-site and hope you enjoy your stay at BlueInc.cjb.net.

.: My Friends :.

Jonathan :.  

Addie :.  

Lorie and friends :.  

Mary-Grace :.  